POLL- Bio Diesel mini seminar

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interest in a biodiesel discussion at the Cayce Meet

Yes, I am very interested, and would like to be a part of this mini-seminar
I may sit in on the discussion if it's interesting and not too long
No, I am not interested at all
I'm a gasser guy, and don't care.
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POLL- Bio Diesel mini seminar

Post by puttputtinpup »

Nucleus has offered, along with other bio-diesel users coming to the meet, to have a summarized seminar/discussion about the subject. At his request, we'd like to conduct a poll and see how much interest there would be on the subject, and how many members might sit in on a discussion of this topic. "Ray" knows that not all members even care about biodiesel, so we're conducting a quick poll to see about how many would even sit in on a discussion. Here's a quote from Ray. In it he gives us an idea of what we can expect.

nucleus wrote:I'd be planning on concentrating on the why's and benefits regarding lubricity, cetane gains, and solvency properties and briefly go into the basic chemical process if anyone is interested in how its made. I can can also bring a list of producers and locations in the Carolinas in which to get the stuff.

Some of the other biodiesel (and WVO) members are welcome to contribute their knowledge and experience about the subject.
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