Clutch Plate Orientation

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Clutch Plate Orientation

Post by badongo »


I'm currently installing a new clutch in 4x4 my rebuild.

My doubt reamains here, in the clutch plate orientation. I'm pretty sure that I've removed the clutch with the thicker side towards the flywheel, but in the workshop manual it seams to be the other way around:

This is the orientation that I've removed the clutch with:
The side shown on the picture towards the transmission. But in the manual it seams to show that the thicker side should be turn towards the transmission.

Is there anyone that can tell me wich way should I turn it?

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Re: Clutch Plate Orientation

Post by Red Truck »

My vote goes to agreeing with the diagrams shown. From my own experience, the splined hub in the disc center has a raised side and a flush side. The flush side goes towards the flywheel, while the raised side goes towards the gearbox (as in the diagrams). Too bad your new disc doesn't have "flywheel side" stamped on it, as a lot of them do. Don't know what to say about your lower photo; any chance it got turned around?/R
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Re: Clutch Plate Orientation

Post by isuzu Specialities »

the thicker side or wider side of the clutch plate faces the pressure plater or faces towards the transmission.

If turned the other way around there isn't enough space for it to fit. The center hub of the clutch plate will bottom out on the crankshaft never allowing your clutch disk to rest onto the flywheel surface.
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Re: Clutch Plate Orientation

Post by badongo »

Thank you all for your replies.

I've installed it that way. Checked with a clamp everything was working before fitting it back in the truck, and the clutch was disengaged fine.

All I read indicated me in that direction, I just found strange to have the clutch installed wrong in the first place. But it is possible that the photo I took, I've flipped it and don't remember, but also possible someone during the life of this truck installed it wrong. Because I've other photos of the disassembly and all of them have the clutch turned this way.

Also, the clutch is the same, I just took it to a specialized shop who rebuild the clutch and the plate. That's why it doesn't have marks.
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