Weber 32/36 Sticking Throttle Help

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Weber 32/36 Sticking Throttle Help

Post by lowyellowisuzu »

Hey everyone. So for as long as I've had my pickup, it's had a Weber 32/36 carb on it. I've had to replace it once due to worn down internals, leaks and such. One thing that has stuck around with the old and new carb is the throttle sticking at about 1/10 to 1/8 open position when going easy on the gas. I had tried lubricating the linkage on the back, pulling both apart to lubricate the main shaft with dry silicone lubricant, using WD-40, PB Blaster and maybe white lithium grease more than a few times, with success for only a few days at most. Well, I finally got it taken care of, and I wanted to share what I did with everyone here just in case you were having the same issues with your Weber on your 2.3L trucks. I used a double spring out of a Dorman set with the number 59207 to help anchor the lever with the throttle cable hooked to it. I had to heat up and open one end of the spring enough for it to grab the right spot, and use the mounting bracket for the stock cable to hold it down while putting the other end in the lever itself. It's not the prettiest thing, but it's held up for about a week so far without making the pedal too hard to push for when you gotta tear up the pavement. To make the spring stay in place I loosened the farthest bolt from the bracket a bit to give it enough space, and routed the spring to where when the bolt was tightened, it pulled it in to hold it. Doing this, all I had access to that day were these generic springs, and I got tired of the carb acting up so I made it work. Hopefully this can help someone hanging around the site take care of this problem. Everyone have a good day!

Born to take it easy.
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